Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Now for a bit of confusion..

I knew what I wrote and if you don't know that I knew what I wrote than I know that you must not know that you didn't understand it and if I know that you didn't understand it and I know that I know that I am telling you then thus you must know that I know that you don't know but now you know so there!


  1. You really liked that didn't you!? :P

  2. Mwahahaha my evil message has succeeded!
    Oh I mean... oops. sorry Nadina! lol :P

  3. :-o You wouldn't!! I'm sorry Nadina I should have never tried to be so mean I'm soorrrryyyyyy!! lol :P
    And I have to stay with you guys anywayzers cause I put on my application that I will NOT be billeted, so thus, I have no where else to go! So I'll just barge in and crash at your house anyway... lol :P

  4. Oh that's so mean! Ah well, I'll have a whole week to get back at you at music camp lol :P

  5. *memories of the wonderfullness of subway cookies pop into brain*
    hmmm........ tempting offer... subway cookies are good for making one happier... healing sadness.... filling with sugary goodness so I may go hyper and happy....
    Ok! But I'll remember this! You have to buy me subway cookies now ;)

  6. Just the goodness of a Subway cookie :P


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