A couple of weeks ago I began TAFE; Cert IV in Music.
It is quite a good course. I have a more classical background when it comes to playing music (whereas this course is more contemporary and rock), so it is different for me to go to TAFE, where nearly everyone can improvise, and just play together.
It's amazing how many people only learn to read off of a chord chart, or not learn to read any music at all; they just play chords via what they hear. Most people there have only started to read music this year, at TAFE. But, because I've already learnt, I am way ahead of them in that particular area.
Also, I know how to play a bit of piano. So I've sort of become my lecturer's guinea pig.
"Guys, come here and Helena will show you what we're supposed to be doing/what we're working up to."
And I'm not even that brilliant on piano, but I know enough to be able to make my lecturers happy so that is great.
My lecturers are also rather pleased with me because I am able to pick up things quickly. We did a little dummy recording today on the computer (where we just said a random sentence; I said 'Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Three bags full!') And I got the volume and everything right the first time, so they were ecstatic about that.
But yeah, there are things, like improvisation, which I had never done before this course. Usually, if someone just plonks a piece of sheet music in front of me, I can play it reasonably well via sight reading. But I am learning to, say, be given the chord chart, and just make up a solo.
So yeah, it's been good. I'm looking forward to all the things I have yet to learn this year! And my brother has joined too, in Sound Production. As in, they're the 'techies'; they learn more about mixing, using mics, and balancing sound coming through speakers. My class learns the basics, but the techies learn the details.
Me and Daniel at TAFE |