Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Chocolate Mousse Muffins (Optionally Gluten Free and Lactose / Dairy free!)

Tonight I spent some time in the kitchen baking! I was on Facebook, and came a cross an interesting looking muffin recipe - which only had 3 ingredients! I was curious, so I decided to make a batch - they turned out very well, and are extremely delicious!
We had our oven at a slightly lower temperature (well, maybe) - it can be a bit of a dodgy oven so we're never sure what temperature it's actually at! Also, we spooned it into little patty cake papers, and only cooked them for around 15 minutes instead of 20.

I found the recipe here: 4 Ingredients - Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes - it has information about the cookbook, and the page has other recipes with 4 or less ingredients in it!
Image copyrighted to

Makes 12-15
250g (7oz) block of chocolate - preferably dark 70% cacao
3 eggs (beaten)
1/4 cup Self Raising Flour (Gluten Free if you are coeliac)
1. Melt chocolate (in microwave 10 secs at a time until melted).
2. Crack eggs into bowl with chocolate and beat well
3. Mix in 1/4 cup of the self raising/rising flour. Mix with a wooden spoon.
4. Spoon into patty cake papers (approx 12-15) 
5. Bake in a preheated oven for 20 mins at 180C/360F

Use dairy free dark chocolate if you are lactose intolerant or dairy free.
If you are not lactose intolerant or gluten free, then you can use normal self-raising flour and the chocolate of your choice.

Hope you enjoy this recipe - and remember to like my Facebook page here!

Daybook - No. 6

Outside my window...
I hear busy sounds of the highway. It's late at night, so not so busy, though!

I am thankful...

That over the past few weeks, I was able to go to Sydney to play with the London Symphony Orchestra, audition for the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and the Elder Conservatorium of Music (in Adelaide) (Bachelor of Music Performance - Classical), and see all my close friends while I was doing it! I'm also thankful for a feature in the local Newspaper! One more thing to be thankful for: I received the 'Student Of The Year' award at my local conservatorium!

I am thinking...
About how I will spend tomorrow - my birthday.

Learning all the time...

I have learnt this week a little bit about baking - I haven't done too much in the past, but tonight and last night had me in the kitchen baking doughnuts and cupcakes!

From the kitchen...
Not too much now, but I did cook some 'Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes' - I'll post the recipe up after this post!

I am creating...
Lately, just wonderful memories.

I am working on...
Trying to stay relaxed more often!

I am going...
To see friends, also to our local Ice Cream store's 5th birthday this week!

I am hoping...
That next year will go smoothly and fantastically!

I am praying...
For the victims of the Sydney Siege - and for the person responsible for it.

I am pondering....
What is meant to be for my future?

I am reading...
Nothing at the moment

I am listening to......
Just the sound of my fan and the highway.

I am hearing...
^ Ditto!

I am struggling...
Not really struggling at the moment: that's something new!

Around the house...
People are asleep

One of my favourite things...
My friends and family!

A few plans for this week...

I have my birthday tomorrow (well.. today, Wednesday) - will visit some friends! Later in the week we will head off to our local ice cream store, as it's their 5th birthday. I also need to finish my Christmas shopping this week!

A little peek at my day...
Today I woke up quite late, and lazed around a little because I didn't feel too well. Then I cooked dinner, washed up dishes, and cooked cupcakes! 

Front page!

The Article!

Also, if you haven't liked my Facebook page yet - click here to go check it out!

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Things Have Been Happening!

I'm afraid I have become very slack about my blogging over the past month! How lazy of me!

Admittedly, though, I have been doing a lot of things. I'll give you a quick rundown of my past couple of months!

In July, I went down to South Australia. To Adelaide! I went down for South Australian Music Camp, which went really well. I loved going down, as well, because I saw some of my best friends. It was disappointing that I could only be down for a week, but that's life sometimes!

My next big trip was in August. I went down to Sydney for a workshop with the AOBO (Australian Opera & Ballet Orchestra). That was a lot of fun, we had a tour around the opera centre, and played in the Opera House! I learnt quite a lot about the process of putting on an opera, it's quite fascinating!

I also saw some of my close friends, and made more friends while I was there! It was amazing! Again, I was only down for a week, but it seemed like longer, and I saw more people, as I stayed at Campion College, where all my friends are. Also, in Adelaide I only had one full free day, in Sydney I had two, and the workshop days were only half-days.

Last Sunday, I had a big thing happen. I performed a solo-duet, with a soprano, and with an orchestra behind me! We played 'Totem in Corde Langueo' by Franz Schubert.

It went really well, and everybody loved hearing myself and my fellow soloist play/sing!

I also wore a bowtie!

Another thing that happened was that I played in a concert at my local conservatorium. The Sinfonia ensemble, which I am in, played with a guitarist by the name of Bruce Mathiske. It was an awesome, and very educational, experience!

Last thing, I received my result for my Grade 8 AMEB Clarinet exam. I received a B, which I am quite happy with! That's a good result, considering I was sitting the highest numbered grade!

Anywho, that's the major things that have been happening in my musical life!

Have you liked my page on Facebook?

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

I was surprised, and so happy, to find out the other day that Imogen from Imogen Elvis: Gossping With Dragons had nominated me for the 'Very Inspiring Blogger Award'! Thank you so so much, Imogen!
The rules:

  1. Thank and link to the amazing person who nominated you.
  1. List the rules and display the award.
  1. Share seven facts about yourself.
  1. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  1. Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.
So, thanks again, Imogen! It was really unexpected!

7 Facts About Me:

  1. I have been playing the clarinet for 9 years, and learning for 4
  2. I studied the human face for around 7 years, because I wanted to be able to draw portraits.
  3. My favourite book series at the moment is Ranger's Apprentice, although I am currently reading The Dark Is Rising sequence, and I am thoroughly enjoying it - it won't surprise me if that becomes my new favourite book series!
  4. My favourite Marvel hero is probably Iron Man, and my favourite villain is Loki.
  5. I recently dyed my hair red!

  6. I recently completed my Grade 8 AMEB practical exam, I'm hoping that I'll receive the results soon! I don't think I'll get the A I wanted, but you never know!
  7. I've tried to think about what my life will be like in ten years, but, in all honesty, I have absolutely no idea. I could be anywhere, doing anything. I know my next immediate step in my music career, but I have no idea what will happen after that, let alone what my personal life will be like. I can't even fathom many possibilities of what may or may not happen. I guess I'll just keep all options open, and not think about it!


I'd like to nominate Sue Elvis from , I always find her posts extremely interesting, and inspiring in the ways of unschooling!

I think I need to read more blogs, though, because that's the end of my very inspiring bloggers list.

Thanks again, Imogen!

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Seeing The Worst In People

It astounds me some days how people automatically jump to the worst conclusion (or, at least, a bad one). If someone does something 'nice', it's because of some unsaid horrible reason. People think this especially if we don't particularly like said person. Oh, they gave us a bag of clothes? It's because that person wants to see us walking around in 'their' clothes. No, no, it couldn't be because they had spare clothes, and saw our family as a good family to give clothes to. The just couldn't be doing something nice.

One example: While someone parking a car, the driver the car parked it in a 'no parking spot'. I mean, everyone parks there, so that makes it OK, right? (The answer is no. Just because it's the 'norm', just because 'everyone does it' - this does not mean that it is 'OK' or 'right'. I might come back to this later). As the three people got out of the car, another lady drove past. They had taken the last 'spot' in the car park, and she was driving right past them. She stopped and leaned out her window. "That's a No Parking zone," she told them. The driver got back into thecar and drove to park the car elsewhere. One passenger's and the driver's reaction was; 'Oh, she probably wanted the park herself, and she was just annoyed, so she made it so we couldn't park there.'


We don't know her thoughts or reasons for doing what she did. Maybe she was being spiteful. Maybe she was doing something nice by pointing out that we had parked in a No Parking zone. People don't seem to think about the latter reason. No, they automatically jump to the former.

The thing is, though, that we can't read minds. We don't know what's going on in other people's heads. We don't know if they're doing something to spite us, or doing something to be nice. So what's the point in jumping to conclusions? What's the point in talking about them like that behind their backs, when they just showed some common courtesy? I, quite honestly, don't understand it.

Okay, time to go back to that other point I made up there. The one about it being 'OK' if everyone does it. Yeah, that. It's quite ridiculous, actually. If something is wrong, it's wrong. Simple. It shouldn't matter if 'everyone' is doing it, it shouldn't matter if it's the society 'norm'. If it's wrong, it's wrong, and we shouldn't do it.

Lying is wrong. People lie all the time. This doesn't make it OK. It's still wrong. Everyone knows this.
I believe that abortion is wrong. It's the society 'norm' to think it's 'OK', though. Does this mean that I'm going to waive my view? No. It's still wrong.
Parking in that parking spot is against the law. Everyone does that. It makes it OK? No. It doesn't matter who does it, or for what reason, if it's wrong, it's wrong. Simple. I don't understand why people have to complicate matters so much.

Another point is that, even if you have a good goal, if your means of reaching that goal is wrong, it's still wrong. A positive plus a negative is a negative. When people think of something really nice, something amazing, that they want to do, but the ways they fulfil this vision that they have is not right, then it doesn't really matter, because they're doing wrong things.

What do you think about people seeing the worst in others? What about the things that are considered 'normal' around us, but just aren't right? And about when people try to achieve a good goal, but use wrong means?

I've also created a Facebok page. Like it here!

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Daybook - No. 5

Outside my window...
It's dark. I'm having a late night - I couldn't get into the bathroom to have my shower until midnight, and then I made a cup of tea, and now I'm writing a blog post. I really should go to bed.

I am thankful...

That I was able to spend such a wonderful week in Adelaide recently. I saw some of my closest friends, and had a generally wonderful time - I'm in the middle of typing up more detailed blog posts, which will go up as soon as the photos from my Adelaide week arrive!

I am thinking...
About my upcoming exam, and a student concert which I will be playing in tomorrow.

Learning all the time...
I'm learning more and more that there are a lot more to people than what meets the eye.

From the kitchen...
Nothing right now.. I just had a cup of chai tea!

I am creating...
I've written down the themes to a couple of pieces of music, not sure where they'll go, though!

I am working on...
Staying positive, and thinking happy thoughts. I've found myself subconsciously playing the 'glad' game (from the book Pollyanna), where you find things to be happy about all the time. It's been working like a treat!

I am going...
To mass in the morning, then driving down to a student concert.

I am hoping...
That my ear will be unblocked soon. It's been blocked for over a week - if it stays blocked for much longer, I'll see about getting it checked out. I have a cold right now, so that may be why it's blocked, but I'm not sure.

I am praying...
That everyone's lives turn out wonderfully, and that their choices lead them to happiness.

I am pondering....

What will Sydney be like? How will my exam go?

I am reading...
The Dark is Rising Sequence - Over Sea, Under Stone - by Susan Cooper

I am listening to......
Dad talking to me about a television show.

I am hearing...
The hum of the highway

I am struggling...
With a couple of personal issues in regards to thoughts on relationships.

Around the house...
Everyone is sleeping.

One of my favourite things...
Currently Chai Tea!

A few plans for this week...

TAFE and conservatorium things.

A little peek at my day...
I woke up late, then had a video call with my teacher and did some aural training for my upcoming exam. I then relaxed, played piano, and just generally chillaxed. It was a nice day!

Monday, 14 July 2014

Comparing Yourself To Others

We, as humans, like to compare ourselves to others. By doing so, we see where we excel at things, and where we fall short. This is good. This is all a part of our human growth.

The problems come through when we compare in a way that makes our faults shine through. Instead of looking up at someone and thinking "I want to improve myself to become like them." in a positive, we look up at people and feel that sinking feeling in our chest. We think that we could never be like them. We think that we could never achieve what they have achieved. We think that we're just not good enough for anything.

If you look at people and think this, or if you just think it anyway (which, by the way, you may not realise it, but it is probably caused by you subconsciously comparing yourself to others), then you need to do one thing. Stop.

These people you're looking up to: remember, they were probably like you once. They probably weren't born an amazing singer, a wonderful artist, or a fantastic writer. They worked really hard at what they loved. Also, they still have their faults. They're not perfect, nobody on this Earth is.

Please realise that you are good enough. You are an amazing human being, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Recognize your flaws, work on them, but remember that your flaws are not the only thing that makes you a human being. You have talents. You are amazing.

Realise that, while you may not be good at singing, say, you could be one of the most loving people around. While you may not be good at talking to people, you might be awesome at playing music! If you're not good at video games, maybe you're good at puzzles.

Remember that there are always new things for you to try out - keep trying new things, and just have fun with it!Also, even if you feel like you are hopeless at something, you might actually be really good, but you just haven't realised it! I've felt like I was pretty hopeless at heaps of things, but then, one day, I realised that I actually was pretty good at it. My problem was that the better I got, the higher the bench mark went, and so did my bass threshold of 'this is horrible' (for me to do).

Keep smiling, and keep doing what you love.

What do you think about comparing yourself to others?

Monday, 30 June 2014


In one of my previous posts, I said I wanted to make a few art tutorials. I've decided that I might start up my Youtube channel, again, to do these, plus other random vlogs and whatnot.

Anyway, here's the link to my Youtube. Feel free to check out my older videos! I hid my first video because it was really quite bad. I edited the channel around a bit: I organised for it to be managed from a Google+ page instead of my personal profile, I edited the layout of the channel, and I made a new 'channel art' picture, as well as updating my profile picture.

Anyway, this is just a really short update.

Have a nice day!

Friday, 27 June 2014

Hurting Others

It has come to my attention that people tend to hurt others. This post is in regards to hurting people's feelings, particularly, not really hurting people physically.

I have noticed, a lot, that people tend to get some sort of satisfaction from hurting others. For example, someone does something to deliberately hurt their 'ex' because they're their 'ex'. Or, Person #1 hurts Person #2 somehow, by their words, or actions, and then Person #2 turns around and hurts Person #1 to 'get even'.

The thing that I don't understand is, how does one acquire satisfaction from it? Is it really satisfying? How can people feel happy by hurting others?

People make comments like, 'Oh, we should definitely tell them this, because that would be funny!'. I don't think that they take into account that they're hurting another person. That this other person is, in fact, a human being, just like them, with a life, thoughts, and feelings. I can't get this out of my head, which is why I try my hardest to not hurt anybody. I know what it's like. It isn't a good feeling.

Now, I'm not saying I've never hurt someone to 'get even'. I tried it once. One and a half years ago. The result? I've had a deep feeling of regret ever since. I think I ruined one of the truest friendships I've ever had. Admittedly, yes, they technically 'took the first move', but I didn't need to respond the way I did. I didn't need to turn around and hurt them back. I can only hope that they know how sorry I am.

Hurting someone back is not something that 'just happens'. It is a conscious decision that we, as humans, make. If you find 'pleasure' in hurting another human beings by your words and/or actions, then I'm afraid that I will never understand you. Please just try to realise that all humans have feelings. All people dislike to be shunned, ignored, thrown insults at, or however else you can hurt someone. Also, remember, that just because you may be hurt, that doesn't give you a good enough excuse to turn around and hurt them. It's just not a good enough excuse.

Before you turn around and hurt someone, think to yourself: "Would I like this to happen to me?" Or, if it's already happened to you, why on Earth would you want to turn around and do the exact same thing back? You know how it felt.

I'm also not saying that these things should just be ignored. No. Try talking about it, and if that doesn't work, take further actions. What I'm trying to say is that it is wrong to try and 'get even' by deliberately hurting another human being.

What are your thoughts on this topic?

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Dealing with sadness... I guess?

I was really upset the other day. But this post isn't about why I was upset, thinking back, it's a bit of a stupid reason, anyway, but I guess, when we're upset, we don't think the reasons are stupid at the time. But, this post is about how I dealt with that.

I tried eating, that didn't help (surprisingly!).
I tried reading, couldn't concentrate on the story.
I tried playing games, I couldn't get into them.

What did I end up doing?

I ended up coming up with the most random sayings that I've thought of in a while. A few of them I had come up with in the past, but most of them were just on that day.

I was surprised at how this helped. Actually, in a way I was, but I also wasn't. They made me laugh as I said them, typed them up, and posted them on Facebook.

So, I guess, if you're ever feeling really sad, you could try to make up your own random sayings, forgetting about if they make sense or not!

And yes, eating cake helped with sadness, in the end!

'Why I Write'

I saw a 'Why I Write' meme on Erin's blog, Seven Little Australians & Counting. She tagged everybody, so I thought 'Why not?', and I have proceeded to fill it out!

What am I working on?
I've got a few drafts on the go, I haven't quite found the right words to express what I want to say, yet. So, for now, they're just sitting there, waiting for me to open them up and finish them!

How does my writing differ from others of its genre?
I'm not entirely sure. It's my words, my thoughts, my opinions. I don't see many other blogs delving into the topics that I want to, maybe that's it? I'm not entirely sure.

Why do I write?
I write for a few reasons. One is that, recently, I haven't been writing much at all. I've only done online chats, and Facebook statuses and the like. But, I haven't really 'written' anything in a long time. I thought that starting up my blog again would help me to write more.
Another reason is I think there are multiple problems that I have with the modern world, and I thought I could express them through blogging, while I cannot find the verbal words to express them.
I also think it might be interesting for people to read about a former-homeschooler's life, as she progresses through her tertiary education, and, hopefully, later to university. About a teenager's life as she gets used to a new life. As she learns the ways of living in a populated area, as opposed to a very small country town.
On my art blog, I want to show the world my drawings. I am thinking that, in the future, I will also write up a few tutorials on how I drew while I only had a regular pencil, and a piece of paper.

How does my writing process work?
I write everything down, checking for spelling mistakes as I go. I will usually re-read it, but sometimes I just hit 'publish'. After every post is published, I find I forgot to put the labels on. At this point, I hit 'edit' and put in the labels.
I will usually go back and change a few words around for the longer posts, but ideally I'd like to leave them be after I publish.

I will also tag any and all readers to my blog!

Alas, here is an edit, like I previously stated.  I forgot to request that you let me know in the comments if you complete this meme! Also, feel free to join the link party, as well!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Folding Fitted Sheets

Today, it was my job to completely empty and sort out our cupboard, which is full of sheets. The reason I had to do this was because it was constantly being messed up, due to the it being unorganized and not labled.

As I was doing this job, I realised just how many fitted sheets we own. I also looked at the terribly messy job I had done in regards to folding them. Sighing, I looked at the next fitted sheet in dismay. I really don't like it when I can't fold things neatly.

Then, I popped up my laptop lid, and opened Google. It was now or never. I typed 'How to fold a fitted sheet'.

I clicked on the first Youtube link, and I was so grateful! After that quick tutorial, I find that I can now quickly, and easily, fold fitted sheets neatly. It took me a couple of goes to figure it out completely, but I have now pretty much mastered it! This video really was a lifesaver!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Merry Monday!

This is becoming a problem, nowadays. That's why I love homeschooling, I was taught 'how' to think.

The problems of being a lego man

When you can draw everything, but struggle drawing hands..

Yep, I'm definitely not into The World Cup!

Friday, 20 June 2014


Someone I know made a comment near the beginning of the year, and ever since I've been thinking a lot about it.

I was talking to him, and he asked me why I often sit off on my own. I responded, telling him that socializing is not my strong point, due to the fact that I do not know what to say to people a lot of the time. Like, I can talk to some, but I find it hard to keep a conversation flowing in real life (it's easier on the internet), especially with someone who I don't know or barely know. It's almost impossible for me to talk to a complete stranger. But, I am slowly learning and improving.

His response, though, is what has gotten me thinking so much.

"Oh, your life must be boring, then."

It truly baffles me, to be honest. I don't socialize as much as others, so my life must be boring? His response was not meant as an insult, and nor do I take it as one, it's just an off comment. But, it got me thinking.

I do understand where he's coming from. He's probably one of those people who socializes all the time. One of those people who enjoys to be around people all the time.

But, the fact that his immediate response to someone, whose social life is very different from his, is to think it's boring, well, that's just strange, to me.

No, I'm not the kind of person who enjoys being around people 24/7. I do need my space (quite frequently, sometimes). I enjoy sitting off on my own, with a book. Or a piece of paper, and a pencil, where I draw. I enjoy going off on my own and playing music. I enjoy just being on my own and 'zoning out' while I listen to music.

My life isn't 'boring'. I have so much I do, so much I think about, so much that keeps me entertained.

But, I guess, this happens a lot. People have differences. I've come to the conclusion that the 'standard' way of thinking is: Oh, you're different, you live your life differently, you must be boring/stupid/crazy.

People can't seem to handle differences. They like things to be the same. They don't like the fact that people are different. They like new things, sometimes, but they dislike the thought of people being so different, and living different lives from their own.

I'm quite good at handling different people, I've discovered. There's only been one person who I've met who I didn't know how to handle, and that's mainly because I couldn't seem to have any form of conversation with her. Like, she refused to listen to anyone, pretty much.

Another point, on the topic of people being 'different', which I think about a lot is the derogatory, and insulting, use of the word 'retard' in modern society. I, as a person who was born with Autism, find it highly insulting every time a person makes a joke/statement saying:
"That's retarded!"
"You're so retarded!"
"Oh my gosh, are they retarded?"
"You just went full retard. Never go full retard."

People seem to think that they're being 'funny' or 'cool'. Sorry to inform anybody who uses it, but, they're not. It's not funny. At all.

Retard means:
'Delay or hold back in terms of progress or development'
'A person who has a mental disability (often used as a general term of abuse)'

The fact that 'retard' has been defined with the definition that it's a term of abuse truly disgusts me. I'm not saying there aren't 'retarded' people out there. Because, let's face it, there are. People with 'mental disabilities' are technically 'retarded'.

It isn't funny to use the term to define every day objects. It's not cool to define things as this just because they're a little bit different than what you're used to. People don't understand what it's like to be 'retarded'. People don't get the fact that others lives are a struggle every day because they're 'retarded'.

That sandwich you're holding? It isn't retarded. That program on your computer? Neither is that. Your perfectly 'normal' friend? They're not retarded, either. That weird sound you just heard? That is also not retarded.

People need to wake up and realize that, just as terms that are considered 'racist' are highly insulting to some people, which is why we are not allowed to use them, the term 'retarded' is highly insulting to others, and should not be used lightly.

In summary: Yes, people are different from you. People think differently. People act differently. That doesn't mean that they're 'bad people'. That doesn't mean that they lead 'boring lives'. Respect them. Respect is something that seems to be deteriorating in the modern world, which upsets me. Respect others. It's really that simple.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

The Sunshine Award

* Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
* Answer the questions they asked you.
* Nominate other bloggers.
* Give them a list of questions.
* Let them know that they have been nominated.
* The Sunshine Award button must be on your blog post. ( Meaning the picture at the top )

Thanks to Sararose from This is Me speaking . . . for the nomination! I am really flattered! :)

Sararose's Questions:
1. What is one of your favourite things to catch a whiff of?
Freshly baked bread, or freshly baked anything for that matter.. and the smell of new books!

2. What's your favourite colour?
I'm actually not sure.. it seems to vary from day to day. Today, it is blue. I think it's a royal blue? Here's the colour, anyway:

3.What are your hobbies?
My hobbies include: playing clarinet/saxophone/piano, drawing, and reading.

4.What flavour chip is your favourite?
Oh, here's a tricky question.. I'd have to say probably cheese and onion!

5.What is the weirdest sandwich combination you've ever had?
I tried peanut butter, cheese, and tomato sauce once (the tomato sauce was gross, but the peanut butter and cheese wasn't too bad!)

6.What is your favourite drink?
My favourite drink is actually water. Although I also love coffee!
7.What is your favourite song at the moment?
My favourite song? I always have a few.. I like Crazy by Simple Plan, House of Cards by Human Nature, Go The Distance from Hercules, The Middle by Jimmy Eat World..
Doumka's Freilach by Alexis Ciesla - it's been a favourite since I played it at the eisteddfod last year!

8.What is your favourite store?
Another tricky one, as I don't go shopping all that often. I love op-shops in general. But BigW is the store where I buy the most new things, because I know that I can walk in and grab some jeans that fit me (it's hard to find pants/jeans that fit a tall, thin girl!)
Nominations time!
Imogen from Imogen Elvis: Gossiping With Dragons

Everyone else who I would have nominated has already been nominated, so I guess I'll nominate everybody!

My Questions are....
1. What career appeals to you the most?
2. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
3. Where do you like to go to relax?
4. What is your favourite dinner meal?
5. Are you a 'shopaholic'?
6. What is your favourite book?
7. What is your favourite movie?
8. What is your favourite hobby?

And that's it! Thanks again, Sararose, for the nomination!

Monday, 16 June 2014

Daybook - No. 4

Outside my window...
Is a beautiful, calm, clear day.

I am thankful...

That my wrist has stopped hurting.

I am thinking...
About tonight

Learning all the time...
This week, I learnt that

From the kitchen...
Nothing right now, but I'll be in there getting breakfast soon!

I am creating...
I'm in the middle of three drawings now, plus three pieces of music.

I am working on...
Not too much, really..

I am going...
To TAFE today, nowhere special planned at the moment!

I am hoping...
That my hand isn't burnt enough to prevent me playing clarinet. I gave myself a pretty painful steam burn last night, while I was cooking dinner.

I am praying...
That people stop using the Catholic sacramants as an 'obligation' or so they get advantages, but realise that they really are important. That when they make the promises at baptism, and when they renew the promises at confirmation, they are supposed to keep them.

I am pondering....

What is the Sydney Opera House like?

I am reading...
'Imogen's Chance' by Paula Vince

I am listening to......
Silence, early morning, beautiful silence.

I am hearing...
The hum of the highway

I am struggling...
With the inability to play music, and the inability to draw now.

Around the house...
People are sleeping. Nobody else has gotten up, yet.

One of my favourite things...

A few plans for this week...

TAFE and conservatorium things.

A little peek at my day...
I woke up early today. I will have breakfast now, and then head into town for TAFE in a couple of hours.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Merry Monday!

I know it's late, but I hope you all have a fabulous week!

For all the people who are fans of Harry Potter and Doctor Who!

Something's fishy here..


Sunday, 8 June 2014


Symphonic Wind Orchestra - Photo from the SYO Website.

I was lucky to have the opportunity recently to go and see the Peter Seymour Orchestra and the and the Symphonic Wind Orchestra (two of the Sydney Youth Orchestra's programs) live in concert the other day!

It was a thoroughly enjoyable concert, full of great music! It can be hard to believe that the members of the Orchestra were all highschool age!

The conductors were highly entertaining, as well. I loved how they talked about the pieces they were about to play, giving us a little bit of background for each one. When people do this, it helps me to connect with the piece of music.

I also noticed that the members of the orchestra, themselves, were enjoying themselves. Acting professionally, yes, but enjoying themselves, nonetheless. That, in itself, creates a nice performance.

This was possibly a once-off opportunity, getting tickets for so cheap to see an orchestra! I loved every minute, and I'm hoping I'll be able to see more orchestral performances in the future!

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Daybook - No. 3

Outside my window...
I hear busy sounds of the highway.

I am thankful...

That I was able to go and see the Sydney Youth Orchestra perform last night!

I am thinking...
About tonight

Learning all the time...
This week, I was given the opportunity to go through the basics of the fancy mixing desk at TAFE with my fellow classmates. I was their teacher. It was great learning how to teach.

From the kitchen...
Nothing at the moment, should probably organize dinner!

I am creating...
I'm in the middle of four drawings now, plus three pieces of music.

I am working on...
Getting up at a decent time each day (it doesn't always work, though!)

I am going...
To my friend's birthday party tonight!

I am hoping...
That my body will stop being painful. I've strained my right hand, so I can't play piano or clarinet at the moment. I also had a fall the other day, and now it's painful to kneel on my left knee.

I am praying...
That everything turns out fine.

I am pondering....

What will Sydney be like?

I am reading...
'Imogen's Chance' by Paula Vince

I am listening to......
'Love Is An Open Door' from Frozen

I am hearing...
The hum of the highway

I am struggling...
With the inability to play music. Thank goodness I draw with my left hand, otherwise I would feel even more lost!

Around the house...
People are relaxing.

One of my favorite things...

A few plans for this week...

Party tonight, then church tomorrow, then sleep!

A little peek at my day...
I woke up very late today. I read some of 'Imogen's Choice' (it's turning out to be quite a good read!), and had a shower. Now I am quickly typing up a blog post before I go out.

I put one of Mum's cast-magnet-things on my
hand in the hope that it will help!