Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Chocolate Mousse Muffins (Optionally Gluten Free and Lactose / Dairy free!)

Tonight I spent some time in the kitchen baking! I was on Facebook, and came a cross an interesting looking muffin recipe - which only had 3 ingredients! I was curious, so I decided to make a batch - they turned out very well, and are extremely delicious!
We had our oven at a slightly lower temperature (well, maybe) - it can be a bit of a dodgy oven so we're never sure what temperature it's actually at! Also, we spooned it into little patty cake papers, and only cooked them for around 15 minutes instead of 20.

I found the recipe here: 4 Ingredients - Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes - it has information about the cookbook, and the page has other recipes with 4 or less ingredients in it!
Image copyrighted to

Makes 12-15
250g (7oz) block of chocolate - preferably dark 70% cacao
3 eggs (beaten)
1/4 cup Self Raising Flour (Gluten Free if you are coeliac)
1. Melt chocolate (in microwave 10 secs at a time until melted).
2. Crack eggs into bowl with chocolate and beat well
3. Mix in 1/4 cup of the self raising/rising flour. Mix with a wooden spoon.
4. Spoon into patty cake papers (approx 12-15) 
5. Bake in a preheated oven for 20 mins at 180C/360F

Use dairy free dark chocolate if you are lactose intolerant or dairy free.
If you are not lactose intolerant or gluten free, then you can use normal self-raising flour and the chocolate of your choice.

Hope you enjoy this recipe - and remember to like my Facebook page here!

Daybook - No. 6

Outside my window...
I hear busy sounds of the highway. It's late at night, so not so busy, though!

I am thankful...

That over the past few weeks, I was able to go to Sydney to play with the London Symphony Orchestra, audition for the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and the Elder Conservatorium of Music (in Adelaide) (Bachelor of Music Performance - Classical), and see all my close friends while I was doing it! I'm also thankful for a feature in the local Newspaper! One more thing to be thankful for: I received the 'Student Of The Year' award at my local conservatorium!

I am thinking...
About how I will spend tomorrow - my birthday.

Learning all the time...

I have learnt this week a little bit about baking - I haven't done too much in the past, but tonight and last night had me in the kitchen baking doughnuts and cupcakes!

From the kitchen...
Not too much now, but I did cook some 'Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes' - I'll post the recipe up after this post!

I am creating...
Lately, just wonderful memories.

I am working on...
Trying to stay relaxed more often!

I am going...
To see friends, also to our local Ice Cream store's 5th birthday this week!

I am hoping...
That next year will go smoothly and fantastically!

I am praying...
For the victims of the Sydney Siege - and for the person responsible for it.

I am pondering....
What is meant to be for my future?

I am reading...
Nothing at the moment

I am listening to......
Just the sound of my fan and the highway.

I am hearing...
^ Ditto!

I am struggling...
Not really struggling at the moment: that's something new!

Around the house...
People are asleep

One of my favourite things...
My friends and family!

A few plans for this week...

I have my birthday tomorrow (well.. today, Wednesday) - will visit some friends! Later in the week we will head off to our local ice cream store, as it's their 5th birthday. I also need to finish my Christmas shopping this week!

A little peek at my day...
Today I woke up quite late, and lazed around a little because I didn't feel too well. Then I cooked dinner, washed up dishes, and cooked cupcakes! 

Front page!

The Article!

Also, if you haven't liked my Facebook page yet - click here to go check it out!