Sunday, 25 January 2015

Goals for 2015

Okay, I know it's nearly the end of January, but better late than never, right?

At the end of last year I had no goals for the new year. No resolutions. I sat back, and thought to myself how 'I couldn't be bothered' with resolutions this year. I mean, they never work out, anyway.

Over the past month, however, I have changed my mind. I will, indeed, try to work on a few things.

First things first, I want to get back into drawing. I have done next to no drawing the past 6 months, and I would rather like to just sit down, pick up a pencil, and draw. I want to improve on my portrait drawings, and also delve into drawing animals, and also with different mediums. I want to start using coloured pencils, and even paints, maybe.
I attended an art workshop about two weeks ago, and painted two pictures: one with watercolour paints, and one with acrylic paints. I was quite pleased with the results!

Watercolour painting

Acrylic painting

Another goal of 2015 is to read more. I didn't read very many books last year, and I would like to change that. Any suggestions of good books for me to read? I am in the process of reading the Divergent series.

I want to cook more. It's been on the back of my mind to bake, and maybe I will, once the weather cools down a little.

2014 was the year of me opening up. I was shut inside of myself for as long as I can remember, and was reluctant to let anyone in. Last year, I opened up, made, and reinforced, some pretty fantastic friendships. This year will be more for figuring out hobbies that I enjoy to do. My biggest goal is to try new things, and figure out what I like. Do I like to draw? Paint? Make things? Scrapbook? Make cards? What TV shows do I like? What movies? Books? What kind of books? Do I like writing? If so, what would I write? All these questions are going through my head, and I hope to be able to find out the answers to them.

Another resolution in my mind is to blog more. But, I have that resolution every year. Let's hope that this year I can actually fulfil it.

Happy New Year!