Saturday, 24 May 2014

Daybook - No. 1

Outside my window...
I hear busy sounds of the highway..

I am thankful...

For all the opportunities I have received, and am still receiving, since I moved..

I am thinking...
About my friends

Learning all the time...
I've become a stage hand in the latest production at the theatre, it's great to learn how to quickly change the sets.

From the kitchen...
Silence. People are asleep.

I am creating...
I'm working on a composition at the moment in F Lydian (key of C major/A minor, but the root chord will be F). Hoping it'll sound ok-ish.

I am working on...
Making sure I eat 3 meals a day, I skip out on breakfast too often.

I am going...
To an Eisteddfod tomorrow

I am hoping...
That the eisteddfod goes well.

I am praying...
That I will be able to locate a job soon

I am pondering....

What should I draw next?

I am reading...
I just recently read all three of The Hunger Games books, and will be reading the latest Brotherband book soon!

I am listening to......
The hum of the highway.

I am hearing...
^ Ditto.

I am struggling...
I'm not really struggling at the moment. Just plonking along at my own rate.

Around the house...
People are sleeping.

One of my favorite things...
Being able to watch the latest play at the theatre group come together, from an audience perspective. With all the plays I've been to since I moved, I have been either backstage or onstage, so it was nice watching it from an audience perspective, even if I'll be backstage for the actual performances.

A few plans for this week...
Eisteddfod, and more backstage work at the play! We're currently performing Calamity Jane.

A little peek at my day...
I got up, arrived at TAFE a little late, and then afterwards I wasted time for a couple of hours. After buying some artist's erasers, 
I saw a friend, who I haven't seen in a while. Then headed off to the theatre group for the opening night of Calamity Jane. It went splendidly!

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